10 Blue Lock Mini Figures (Funny Knights Vol.2)

10,000.00 Â¥

Blue Lock takes to the field in this new collection of Funny Knights Vol.2 miniatures!
Catch up with your favorite strikers with Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Itoshi Rin, Jyubei Aryu and Itoshi Sae. âš½

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New series of "Funny Knights Vol.2" figures in the image of our favorite egoists!
Pack of 10 small figurines of about 5.5cm of Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Itoshi Ren, Jyubei Aryu and Itoshi Sae. Each character is depicted with 2 figures with different expressions and is accompanied by its ball.


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Frequently purchased together

Blue Lock - Funny Knights Vol.2
Cover 1 Character Book Blue Lock - Egoist Bible
This item: 10 Blue Lock Mini Figures (Funny Knights Vol.2) 10,000.00 Â¥ 10,000.00 Â¥

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