Poster of the movie The First Slam Dunk B2

2,000.00 ¥

Official poster of the movie The First Slam Dunk! 🏀
The poster that was visible everywhere in Japan during the broadcast of The First Slam Dunk. The most iconic 5 major of the manga in poster!

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Dimensions: 73 x 51 cm


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Frequently purchased together

Poster The First Slam Dunk B2
Cover of the Booklet Film The First Slam Dunk
Cover Slam Dunk Volume 24 Kanzen edition
This item: Poster of the movie The First Slam Dunk B2 2,000.00 ¥ 2,000.00 ¥

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1 × Booklet The First Slam Dunk 2,500.00 ¥

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1 × Slam Dunk Volume 24 Kanzen edition 1,520.00 ¥

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