Reading Japanese Culture 3 (Advanced Level)

3,700.00 ¥

Designed for literature lovers!
Taking the challenge of teaching Japanese through classic literature, this Japanese textbook offers a unique approach to learning the language. With an English/Japanese dictionary, and many grammatical explanations, you will be able to use this book on your own.

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🇯🇵🇺🇸 This product contains Japanese and English
💪 Advanced student (N1)
🐣 Contains furigana
💿 CD included
This textbook is designed for students who want to learn Japanese language through literature. Many texts from cult literature in Japan are selected, and this book will explain all the complicated nuances. The reading is simplified by the presence of furigana on almost all the kanji, which will make your learning more fluid.
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- Find texts of Haruki Murakami (author of Kafka on the shore), Banana Yoshimoto (author of Kitchen), Yasunari Kawabata (recognized Japanese author), etc...
- Complex grammar clarified at the bottom of each page
- Listening work: all the texts are read in Japanese on the CD, to train comprehension
- Detachable notebook : Japanese/English dictionary


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