Banana Fish - Another Story

1,000.00 Â¥

The latest volume in the Banana Fish manga series, never before published in France!
Never released in France, discover the latest volume in the series, with 4 previously unpublished short stories in this 300-page manga.

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🇯🇵 Japanese language
This latest volume of Banana Fish includes 4 short stories previously unpublished in France and published in the bunko edition in Japan:
- Angel Eyes: Ash Lynx meets Shorter Wong in a juvenile detention center.
- Garden of Light: poignant epilogue set 7 years after the end of the manga, in New York.
- Private Opinion: the genesis of Ash and Blanca's complex, conflict-ridden relationship.
- Fly Boy, in the sky: Eiji, a young pole-vaulter, meets Ibe, a photographer who is immediately taken with him.
"One night in Vietnam, a guy in my unit went completely nuts. He got an M16 and killed three of my men. - Was he high? - I think so, yeah. They took him to a hospital in Saigon, but we lost track of him. The last thing he said to me before he disappeared was... "Banana Fish". Banana Fish". - Interesting, but... if someone or some organization by that name exists, we should have heard about it by now, shouldn't we?" So begins Banana Fish...
Shogakukan, Akimi Yoshida


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