Vanillaware Official Artbook - Vanilla Mania

5,500.00 Â¥

An artbook retracing the 20-year history of the Vanillaware company!
Vanillaware has produced many masterpieces since its creation in 2002. This artbook is a must-have for all fans of the studio, who can browse through the company's 20-year history. The most beautiful illustrations are presented, including Princess Crown and Fantasy Earth: Zero.

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🇯🇵 Japanese language

Titles included in the artbook
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Dragon's Crown
Dragon's Crown Pro
Grand Knights History
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Odin Sphere
Fantasy Earth: Zero
Princess Crown
KADOKAWA, Vanillaware


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Frequently purchased together

Cover of the Vanilla Mania artbook
Cover of Valkyrie Elysium Mook
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This item: Vanillaware Official Artbook - Vanilla Mania 5,500.00 Â¥ 5,500.00 Â¥

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